Amazing author and all-around charmer Jenny Milchman has a new book coming out! And she's got a bunch of virtual events coming up. I'll be attending the launch this Tuesday, August 18 and hope I'll see you there!
Jenny Milchman » Tour » Mother 2020
The website of Jenny Milchman, author of The Second Mother, coming from Sourcebooks July 7th, 2020
I've got no excuse for this one. Can't blame COVID or the lockdown, because I read Clare Mackintosh's phenomenal book AFTER THE END months ago and somehow failed to review it. But I've rectified that over on Goodreads
where there's a giveaway going on now:
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It's also everywhere books
It's my pub day in the UK! US readers can order THE UNDERSTUDY, too, and I hope you do. You won't be disappointed. I had the pleasure and privilege of collaborating with fabulous best-selling authors Sophie Hannah, Clare Mackintosh, and B.A. Paris. Enjoy!
Written By Sophie Hannah, BA Paris, Clare Mackintosh, and Holly Brown, this psychological thriller is perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Louise Candlish ...
Just heard about this, and it truly falls under the heading of "good news." Go, BBC!